This article covers the Serverless approach to infrastructure for application deployment, as opposed to another similar leading transformative approach which is Containerisation.
See this for Serverless vs. Containers: What’s the Same, What’s Different?
Now let’s look at an introduction to evaluating the financial viability of Serverless infrastructure/architecture. While this in AWS specific, this guide provides an approach that can be generalised to other cloud platforms such as Azure or Google Cloud Platform.
To understand the value of serverless think Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
Serverless costs control: With the right set of skills, the technology enables feature-level cost optimisation.
Some fixed architectural opinions help estimate a serverless project cost. With the calculator, you have two ways to estimate: either be guided by pre-defined scenarios, or define one with your own inputs.
Straight cost benefits are obvious on small and medium-sized projects, but big and complex ones still benefit from the technology when considering the TCO.
For average traffics or below, we don’t need to calculate the TCO to witness serverless value.
One reply on “How-To: Evaluating the financial viability of AWS serverless”
Hey Scott, good share!
I know of another good calculator ive used recently…
This does AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions, and IBM OpenWhisk though we only use GCP and AWS at my work.